Motion-Should prisoners who have been given the life sentence have the option to commit suicide instead?

Aryaman Bhatia
2 min readAug 8, 2020

I disagree with this motion and present my arguments against it. Firstly, whenever any individual is put in prison, the main purpose behind doing so is to help the person correct him/her, to repent for their mistakes, learn from them and become better human beings. If we give people the option to choose death over life sentences, this purpose cannot be fulfilled, which results in a lost chance of a person ever undoing the wrongs they have done. As they say, repentance is the only fire capable of burning the sins of the past. We must also take into account why anyone would want to choose death over. Reasons can be due to a sense of hopelessness, traumatic stress or forms of mental illnesses. Such people are not in their right state of mind. By allowing the option of death, we let a person die because they are not mentally in a proper condition. So, by arguing that such a choice be granted, we are allowing mentally unstable people take their life; we ignore that that may not be their actual desire. As a society that prides itself for being caring towards others when they are in pain, this decision is one that goes completely against basic human ideals. Instead, we must tell them that they can change, even if they are to spend their life in prison. That people can get parole and still be successful after, like Kevin Mitnick, Robert Downey Jr. etc. By giving them this choice, we say that we do not value the convict’s life even if he/she could change. As human beings having the gift of knowledge and intelligence, allowing this motion to pass is, in my opinion, incorrect.

